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Matthew Hayes Promoted to Director of Network Engineering for Cox Communications

Atlanta, GA

ATLANTA – The promotion of Matthew Hayes to Director of Network Engineering for Cox Communications Inc. was announced today by Randy Kinsey, Executive Director of Network Architecture.

Hayes will be responsible for developing, testing and driving new network designs and standards for the Cox network. He will also lead a team of engineers in creating solutions for current and future product integration over a single network.

In making this announcement, Kinsey said, "Matt has an ability to resolve complex issues, many outside of his current scope of responsibilities. He has demonstrated an ability to lead a team and continuously works well with other teams and departments. He is truly an asset to our network efforts."

Hayes joined Cox in 2000 as a Senior Network Engineer for the company's Orange County, California operation. He joined the corporate engineering team in 2005 as Manager of Network Engineering. Prior to joining Cox, he served as a Network Engineer for Comdisco Network Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Hayes holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a master's degree in Telecommunications from the University of Colorado.

About Cox Communications:

Cox Communications is a multi-service broadband communications and entertainment company with more than 6 million total residential and commercial customers. The third-largest cable television company in the United States, Cox offers an array of advanced digital video, high-speed Internet and telephony services over its own nationwide IP network, as well as integrated wireless services in affiliation with Sprint (NYSE: S). Cox Business Services is a full-service, facilities-based provider of communications solutions for commercial customers, providing high-speed Internet, voice and long distance services, as well as data and video transport services for small to large-sized businesses. Cox Media offers national and local cable advertising in traditional spot and new media formats, along with promotional opportunities and production services. Cox Communications wholly owns and operates the Travel Channel. More information about the services of Cox Communications, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cox Enterprises, is available at www.cox.com/espanol, www.coxbusiness.com y www.coxmedia.com.

CONTACT: Steven Barringer (404) 843-5887

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