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Política de uso aceptable de Cox Mobile

Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 11 de septiembre de 2024 (v.4)

Cox Wireless, LLC and its affiliates and/or distribution partners (collectively "Cox") are pleased that you have chosen to subscribe to wireless service from Cox (the "Service"). For the purposes of this policy, the Service includes all equipment and features which may be offered by Cox.  Our goal is to provide you and our other subscribers with a quality wireless experience. The Cox Mobile Acceptable Use Policy (the "AUP") has been designed to protect our Service, our subscribers, and the community as a whole from inappropriate, illegal, or otherwise objectionable activities or activities that may impair the networks used to provide Service or the experience of other Cox subscribers. Por favor, lea esta política antes de ingresar al Servicio. Todos los usuarios del Servicio deben cumplir esta política. Violation of any term of this AUP may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your access to the Service and/or your Cox account and in some instances may result in Cox seeking civil or criminal remedies for unlawful conduct. This AUP should be read in conjunction with the Cox Mobile Customer Service Agreement, Privacy Policies, and other applicable policies.

Al utilizar el Servicio, usted acepta cumplir los términos de esta AUP, así como también exigir que otras personas que utilicen el Servicio mediante su cuenta los cumplan. Esta AUP puede actualizarse periódicamente, y Cox informará a los clientes de dichos cambios publicando la versión vigente en este sitio web. Revised versions of this AUP are effective immediately upon posting, so you should consult this document regularly to ensure that your activities conform to the most recent version. SI NO ACEPTA ESTAR LIGADO A ESTOS TÉRMINOS, DEBERÁ DETENER INMEDIATAMENTE EL USO DE LOS SERVICIOS Y NOTIFICÁRSELO AL DEPARTAMENTO DEL SERVICIO AL CLIENTE DE COX PARA QUE CIERRE SU CUENTA.

1.  Acceptable Uses —

You may use the Service and conduct data sessions for the following non-commercial, individual consumer purposes: voice calling typical of an individual, non-commercial user of the Service, sending and receiving of messaging typical of an individual, non-commercial user of the Service, Internet access and browsing, email, and usage of applications approved by the manufacturer of your equipment or the developer of the operating system used on your equipment that are installed on your equipment.

2.  Prohibited Activities —

You may not use the Service in a manner that does any of the following: violates any applicable local, state, federal or international law, order or regulation, infringes upon the rights of others, interferes with or diminishes the use and enjoyment of the Service by others, or interferes with or diminishes Cox's ability to provide the Services. Additionally, you may not use the Service in the following ways:

  • to harm or attempt to harm a minor, including, but not limited to, hosting, possessing, distributing, or transmitting child pornography or other material that is unlawful

  • to conduct, participate in, or otherwise facilitate, fraudulent or illegal schemes or to take part in any fraudulent activities, including impersonating any person or entity or forging anyone else's digital or manual signature;

  • to invade another person's privacy, stalk, harass, or otherwise violate the rights of others;

  • to post, transmit, or distribute content that is illegal, threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, promotes violence, or is otherwise offensive or objectionable in Cox's sole discretion;

  • to restrict, inhibit, or otherwise interfere with the ability of any other person to use or enjoy their equipment or the Service, including, without limitation, by posting or transmitting any information or software which contains a virus, lock, key, bomb, worm, Trojan botnet, cancelbot, or other harmful feature or transmitting such large amounts of data, information, and/or other content beyond typical individual, non-commercial usage by a Cox Mobile customer;

  • access or use the Service with identifying information or addresses other than those assigned to you by Cox or assigned to the equipment you use in connection with the Service;

  • Modify or alter any equipment used in connection with the Service in a manner that is not authorized by Cox or the equipment manufacturer or causes interference, impedes, or affects other users of the Service, or permits you or another to engage in fraudulent or deceptive practices in connection with the Service.

  • Modify or tamper with your device, including but not limited to unlocking, rooting, re-flashing, jailbreaking, or altering the build state of your device in a manner which conflicts with Cox’s policies or rules on unlocking equipment, or engaging in any unauthorized or illegal use of your device or the Service, or assisting others in such acts.

  • Resell your SIM Card or allow an unauthorized person to use or access your SIM Card, alter, bypass, copy, deactivate, remove, reverse-engineer or otherwise circumvent or reproduce the encoded information stored on, or the encryption elements of your SIM Card, or to allow any other person to do so.

  • Improperly collect or store personal data about other users;

  • Resell or redistribute the Service to any third party via any means;

  • Transmit such large amounts of data, information, and/or other content beyond typical individual subscriber, non-commercial usage for a Cox Mobile customer as may disrupt or cause a performance degradation, regardless of intent, purpose or knowledge, to the Service or any related network infrastructure or facilities used to deliver the Service, whether such disruption or degradation affects your own use of the Service or another customer's use.

  • Violate export laws, regulations, and rules, including, without limitation, violations of the Export Administration Act and the Export Administration Regulations administered by the Department of Commerce.Violate the rules, regulations, or policies that apply to any third-party network, server, computer database, or website that you access.
  • Violate the rules, regulations, or policies that apply to any third-party network, server, computer database, or website that you access.
  • Excessive voice usage, including, but not limited to excessive or frequent calls to the same telephone number, excessive inbound or outbound calls, excessive calls during business hours, excessively long calls to a single telephone number, calls made to numerically sequential telephone numbers, excessive calls to territories of the United States, high volume termination and re-initiation of calls, engaging in continuous or extensive call forwarding, using the Service for transmission or reception of broadcasts, telemarketing, fax broadcasting, chat lines, conference bridge or call center functions, or using an auto-dialer in connection with the Service;

  • Excessive inbound or outbound messaging including, but not limited to using any Service to engage in spam or junk messaging or using applications that engage in unattended use or generate automatic messaging feeds or engage in automated machine-to-machine or machine-to-person messaging.

  • Excessive use of equipment as a mobile “hotspot” tethered to other devices or other excessive data usage that is not typical of an individual consumer’s non-commercial, personal use including but not limited to automated connections that allow web broadcasts, automatic data feeds, automated machine-to-machine connections or peer-to-peer file sharing, use of Service as a substitute or back-up for private lines, landlines, or full-time or dedicated data connections, excessive and/or disproportionate data usage that contributes or has the potential of contributing to network congestion, spam or unsolicited commercial or bulk email generation, using unauthorized software or devices to maintain a continuous active Internet connection when the connection would otherwise have entered idle mode, and usage that conflicts with applicable law;

  • Use of domestic roaming data in excess of 200 megabytes per billing cycle, or excessive domestic roaming voice minutes per billing cycle (in which event Cox may disable roaming data on your account).

  • If international long distance or international roaming is included in your rate plan, exceeding the international long distance or international roaming limits or thresholds set out in your Rate Plan (in which event Cox may disable international long distance or international roaming on your account);

  • using the Service or device in a manner that harms Cox’s reputation.

  • Violar cualquier otra política o pauta de Cox.

  • any attempt to assist or facilitate anyone engaging in any of the above prohibited activities.

3.  Intellectual Property Infringement —

No deberá utilizar el Servicio para publicar, copiar, transmitir o diseminar cualquier contenido que viole las patentes, los derechos reservados, secretos comerciales, marca comercial, derechos morales o derechos de propiedad de cualquiera de las partes. Cox assumes no responsibility, and you assume all risk regarding the determination of whether material is in the public domain or may otherwise be used by you for such purposes.  Cox may take steps to protect against or prevent repeat infringers from violating the intellectual property rights of third parties, including taking action in response to notices received from copyright owners under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (17 U.S.C. § 512). Pursuant to the DMCA and other intellectual property legal requirements, Cox may terminate Service (or suspend Service without advance notice), where warranted, if you or others using your account are repeat infringers. 

Cox is not responsible for protecting against or investigating or preventing infringement of your copyrighted materials you transmit using the Service, but Cox will process and investigate valid notifications of claimed infringement under the DMCA.  Cox may also participate, on terms agreed to by Cox, in copyright alert and response programs.

4.  User Content —

You are solely responsible for any information that is transmitted from your equipment or your account on the web or other Internet services. Deberá asegurarse de que el receptor del contenido es el adecuado y deberá tomar las precauciones necesarias para evitar que los menores reciban contenido inapropiado. Cox se reserva el derecho a negarse a publicar o a eliminar cualquier información o material del Servicio, tanto completa como parcialmente, que a discreción de Cox se considere ilegal, ofensiva, indecente o de otro modo objetable. Cox does not have any obligation to monitor such content or transmissions but reserves the right to monitor them from time to time for violations of this AUP, the Cox Mobile Customer Service Agreement, and applicable law.

5.  Commercial Use —

The Service is designed for personal, non-business-related use and may not be used for commercial purposes (except for reasonable incidental uses such as telecommuting, online education, and the like).

6.  Misuse of Service —

You may be held responsible for any misuse or abuse of the Service that occurs through your account or equipment associated with your account, even if such uses are inadvertent or unintended. Por lo tanto, debe tomar precauciones para asegurarse de que otras personas no obtengan acceso no autorizado al Servicio, hagan uso indebido o abuso del Servicio, incluidas las conductas que infrinjan esta AUP.

7.  Hacking/Attempted Unauthorized Access —

You may not use the Service to breach or attempt to breach the security of another user, intercept another user's communications, or attempt to gain access to any organization or person's computer, software, or data without the knowledge and consent of such person. The equipment and the Service may not be used in any attempt to circumvent the user authentication or security of any host, network, or account. Esto incluye, pero no está limitado a, el acceso a los datos que no están dirigidos a usted, el registro o el uso de un servidor o cuenta a los que no tiene autorización expresa para acceder, o probar la seguridad de otras redes o computadoras por cualquier motivo. Se prohíbe el uso o distribución de herramientas que comprometan la seguridad, tales como programas para averiguar contraseñas, herramientas de descomposición, programas de monitoreo o herramientas de prueba de la red.

8.  Security —

You are solely responsible for the security of any device connected to the Service, including any data stored on that device. Usted es responsable de implementar las precauciones de seguridad correspondientes para todos los sistemas conectados al Servicio para proteger contra amenazas como virus, email no deseado (spam), botnets troyanos y otras intrusiones maliciosas.

9.  Disruption of Service —

Usted no está autorizado a interrumpir el Servicio de ninguna manera. You shall not interfere with computer networking or telecommunications services to any user, host, or network, including, without limitation, denial of service attacks, flooding of a network, overloading a service, improper seizing and abuse of operator privileges or attempts to "crash" a host.

10. Viruses, Trojan Horses, Worms and Denial of Service Attacks —

Software or other content downloaded using the Service may contain viruses and it is your sole responsibility to take appropriate precautions to protect your equipment from damage to its software, files, and data. Está prohibido enviar, transmitir o diseminar cualquier información o software que contenga un virus, un troyano, robots en busca de direcciones de email, gusano u otro programa dañino o que genere niveles de tráfico suficientes para impedir la capacidad de otros para enviar o recibir información. La conducta prohibida de este tipo incluye ataques de denegación de servicio o las transmisiones similarmente perjudiciales, así como las transmisiones que contengan otras funciones dañinas o maliciosas. Podemos suspender el Servicio sin aviso previo si detectamos un programa perjudicial como una infección por virus. Su servicio se reanudará una vez que se elimine el programa perjudicial.

11. Email —

You may not use the Service to send bulk, commercial or unsolicited ("spam") email messages, chain mail, messages that contain no substantive content or any messages that could be categorized as phishing. The Service may not be used to collect responses from unsolicited email sent from accounts on other Internet hosts or email services that violate this Policy or the acceptable use policy of any Internet service provider or wireless service provider. Además, está prohibido el "bombardeo de emails": el envío de numerosas copias de los mismos mensajes o sustancialmente similares, o mensajes muy grandes o archivos con la intención de interrumpir un servidor o una cuenta.

You may not reference Cox in the header or body of an unsolicited email. Further, you may not take any action which implies that Cox is the sponsor of any unsolicited email even if that email is not sent through the Service. Further, forging, altering, or removing electronic mail headers is prohibited.

12. Data Usage, Data Storage and Other Limitations —

Cox offers data plans with different terms. You must comply with the current limits and other requirements associated with your data plan. Information on data plans, usage and other features can be found at https://www.cox.com/residential/mobile/cell-phone-plans.html. New technologies, applications, and activities connected or used in connection with your equipment and/or the Service may consume data. Debe asegurarse de que cualquier uso nuevo o ampliado del Servicio sea compatible con su plan de datos de Cox y no cause un consumo de datos excepcional o abusivo ni los impactos relacionados en la red.

En raras ocasiones, las actividades múltiples o simultáneas de consumo de datos pueden afectar negativamente el Servicio. Deberá asegurarse de que sus actividades no restringen, impiden o degradan inadecuadamente el uso de cualquier otro usuario del Servicio, ni representan (a juicio único de Cox) una carga excepcionalmente grande en la propia red. In addition, you must ensure that your use does not improperly restrict, inhibit, disrupt, degrade, or impede Cox's ability to deliver the Service and monitor the Service, The Service is subject to reasonable network management practices.

13. Misuse and Abuse of the Cox Network —

Cox se reserva el derecho de determinar, periódicamente y a su entera discreción, los umbrales de uso de datos que lleguen al nivel de abuso o uso indebido de la red. Si bien Cox no tiene obligación de monitorear el Servicio y no monitorea la actividad de las cuentas de Servicio individuales por violaciones de esta Política, responderá adecuadamente si toma conocimiento del uso indebido o abuso del Servicio. En algunos casos poco frecuentes, en los que el uso individual alcance un nivel abusivo, Cox puede tomar medidas razonables, según lo determine a su entera discreción, para informarle. Cuando Cox no pueda comunicarse con usted, o si los problemas en cuestión no se han resuelto tras la consulta con Cox, Cox se reserva el derecho de suspender o terminar de inmediato el Servicio según lo considere necesario para proteger la red, el Servicio o a otros usuarios de Cox, con o sin aviso previo. Ni Cox ni sus empresas afiliadas, proveedores o agentes serán responsables de estas acciones de respuesta. Estas acciones no son recursos exclusivos de Cox y Cox puede tomar otras medidas técnicas o legales que considere apropiadas con o sin aviso previo.

14. Use of Unauthorized Signal Boosters or Repeaters —

You are not permitted to use any signal boosters or repeaters in connection with the Service other than equipment you obtain from Cox or that is approved by Cox for use with the Service.

15. Conflict —

In the event of a conflict between the Cox Mobile Customer Service Agreement and this AUP, the terms of the Cox Mobile Customer Service Agreement will prevail.

16. Notice of Violations —

You understand and agree that Cox may contact you about violations of this AUP via the contact information and methods you have on file with Cox, and you acknowledge and agree that you may not revoke your consent to receive communications from Cox about violations of this AUP via the contact information and methods you have on file with Cox.

17. How to Contact Cox —

For any questions regarding this AUP, complaints of violations, or cancellation notices, please contact Cox at:
Email: CoxMobileAUP@cox.com